
At MCCC we are committed to the safeguarding and protection of everyone involved in our Church and have therefore adopted policies for safeguarding.

If you have any safeguarding concerns,
please contact our Senior Safeguarding Officer:

Jenny Yoong

Click here to download our safeguarding incident form:

Safeguarding Incident Form

Our safeguarding policy:

Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

Our safeguarding policy for Online Class Type Meetings for Children:

Safeguarding – Children Online

Our safeguarding policy for Online Youth Group Meetings:

Safeguarding – Youth Online

Guidance provided by Manchester City Council in 2021:

MCC OOSS Provider Leaflet
MCC OOSS Parent Leaflet

For further information:

Safeguarding Useful Contacts
Greater Manchester Safeguarding Partnership Website
NSPCC – Advice Hotline: 0808 800 5000

In an emergency:

If you find yourself facing an emergency situation, where you believe that someone attending your church is being harmed or is at imminent risk of harm, please ring the police on 999 and ask to speak to an officer in the child or adult protection teams. Always keep records and let your SSO know that you have made this call.

The Safeguarding Vision Statement of Manchester Chinese Christian Church

“To provide a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults attending our church as well as opportunities to enjoy the love of Christ and be enabled to participate fully in the life of the church family”.

The church aims to ensure that children, young people and vulnerable adults throughout the ministries of the church receive the best possible support, attention, and care. It aims to ensure that the environment of the church family is a safe one where a child or vulnerable adult can grow and learn alongside every other member of the church; that, as part of growing and learning, a child or vulnerable adult is given the space and the opportunity to discover his or her identity in Christ and to express that identity; that the church family is a safe place for each individual to make and learn from his or her mistakes.

In fulfilling this vision, we:

  • Welcome children and vulnerable adults into the life of our community
  • Run activities that are appropriate for children, young people and vulnerable adults
  • Establish and maintain structures and protocols designed to safeguard children and vulnerable adults
  • Comply with all relevant legislation

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